
Senior at the University of Northern Iowa

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I'm in college...what!?

It's November, which means it's been about five months since my last blog post. Normally, I would feel bad for waiting so long between posts, but hey...this means I have way more to talk about in this post! On August 21, my parents and I packed up both their Jeep and my car, and moved all my necessities to Cedar Falls. We were allowed thirty minutes to park in the parking lot outside Bender Hall, unload everything we could, and be out before we got a parking ticket. We had assumed the first time that we entered the building that we would be able to take the stairs and we'd be fine, since everyone and their mother (literally) was using the elevator. After one journey of flights upon flights of stairs, we reached my room. Did I mention I live on the 9th floor of a 12 story building? I think we all unanimously agreed that we were taking the elevator from now on. Now that I was moved into the building, I could finally relax. My roommate didn't move in until the next day. I thought everything would be great! And then thinks started getting strange.
My loft bed when I moved in
My doorboard :)
My loft bed today
After my roommate got all of her things moved in, she left with her sister and they didn't come back until about 6:30 p.m. When they did, they had alcohol with them and were planning to go to a party god knows where. They left, came back at 9 p.m., and her sister called in a hotel room and they left. She didn't come back until the next day, and even then, she was only there for a short period of time. Two days later, I woke up in the morning to her sister sleeping on our floor. Then she stopped coming back. She stopped coming to class. I didn't know what was going on, and nobody told me, not even her. One afternoon, I was laying in bed doing homework when my phone rang. I answered, and it was a representative from BedLoft, the company through which we rent our metal loft beds for our room. They informed me that my ex-roomate's mother called and wanted them to pick up her bed. That's how I found out she wasn't going to UNI anymore. She came and moved her things out a week after I last saw her, and I've been roommate-less since. It's kind of lonely living alone, but I left my room open to the option of getting a new roommate in case anyone wanted to move in. So far, no such luck. I'm a loner. 

However, loners always find a way. I joined the Panther Pep Crew at the beginning of September, and I couldn't imagine being in a more awesome group! Panther Pep Crew is a student organization consisting of, what is it now, about 30 members. We wear purple and gold bib overalls and attend as many sporting events as humanly possible, all the while spreading Panther Pride! We have special cheers and sayings, just as any good crowd does. I've met so many awesome people and made new friends through this group, and I'm so grateful that I got the opportunity to join. I also decided to get more involved and registered for Dance Marathon also. Dance Marathon is kind of like Relay for Life, but it's more about raising money for Miracle Children's Network, which our donations get sent to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics for the pediatric department to make sure children in the hospital and families of the children are taken care of. My goal is small this year, since I'm new. I have set my sights on raising $250, and thanks to a gracious donation from Jan Garms, I am $20 into my goal. I would love to go around personally door to door in Elkader and ask everyone I possibly could to make a donation, but I'm not in Elkader as much as I could be. If you are reading this and would love to make a donation to Dance Marathon, here is a link to my page where you can donate :) You can also give me checks or cash if you feel those are safer options for you. 

A group of residents went to Chuck E. Cheese's on November 4th!
Melanie and I pep-crewing it up during a UNI Volleyball game!
So far, my classes haven't been terrible. The only class I'm doing pretty average in is math, but we all know that I am kind of deficient in that area. I have never understood math quite as good as anyone else, but the fact that I'm putting forth an effort counts at least. We are halfway through the semester so that means next semester will be all different classes, which includes Oral Communication (yay speeches...not!) I'm just lucky for the opportunity to actually be able to attend college. Not everyone has the chance to do this, and although I'll have a lot of money to pay back after I graduate, I know it will be worth it in the end. I'm starting to get sick of the food in the dining center, because they served the same thing every week, they just alternate the days. It's whatever though, I don't have much of an appetite anymore regardless. At this point I'm just looking forward to come home for a week and a half for Thanksgiving break!

Overall, my experience at college thus far has been a 7 out of 10. It would be greatly improved if I had a roommate and some friends. I love UNI, I love the professors, I love the atmosphere. I just need some more friends. Those of you reading this know the flamboyant, hyper me. I am super shy when I don't know people, though, and even though I want friends, I'm too afraid to make them. I have a bunch of friends and people that know me pretty well, but that's because I've known them for years. Maybe I'll make some friends soon, I don't know. 
University of Northern Iowa Class of 2018
Since I probably won't get around to blogging for a while, have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the rest of fall while you can! Lord knows it will be snowing before too long.