
Senior at the University of Northern Iowa

Monday, June 9, 2014

A Wonderful Ride and Panther Pride.

What seems like a decade has gone by since I last blessed this beautiful blog with truly inspiring words of wisdom from yours truly. Just kidding, my posts aren't usually too informational or uplifting. But I have successfully completed the "wonderful ride" that is high school, and I graduated from Central Community High School on May 18, 2014, with an Honor's Diploma. I could not be more proud of myself for accomplishing that, either, as I entered my sophomore year of high school with very little promise in my grade point average carried over from freshman year. Miraculously, I managed to bring my grade point average up to a 3.546, was accepted into the National Honor Society, and graduated. What a ride and experience it truly has been knowing the people I know, and living where I live.

Starting on June 26, 2014, my next journey will start as I attend a two-day orientation session at the University of Northern Iowa. I know in my last post I stated that I would be attending Upper Iowa University, but after some in-depth thought and realizations, I concluded that UNI was the right choice for me. I will still be majoring in Psychology, and for those of you attending UNI, I will be living in Bender Hall this fall with my fabulous classmate Madison Howell. It should prove to be a very interesting and exciting experience for the both of us. :)

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